Faculty Directory

Dwight Aarons
Associate Professor of Law
Eric Franklin Amarante
Associate Professor of Law
Brad Areheart
Professor of Law
Wendy Bach
Co-Director, Appalachian Justice Research Center and Professor of Law
Benjamin Barton
Helen and Charles Lockett Distinguished Professor of Law
Teri Dobbins Baxter
Interim Associate Dean for Faculty Development, Williford Gragg Distinguished Professor of Law
Robert C. Blitt
Toms Foundation Distinguished Professor of Law
Eliza Boles
Interim Head of Research and Instructional Services and Assistant Professor
Lonnie T. Brown, Jr.
Dean and Elvin E. Overton Distinguished Professor of Law
Zack Buck
Associate Professor of Law
Scott Childs
Associate Dean for Library & Technology Services and Professor
Judy Cornett
College of Law Distinguished Professor
Sherley Cruz
Assistant Professor of Law
Tyler Dougherty
Clinical Teaching Fellow
Rebecca Eshbaugh
Legal Writing Lecturer
Charisse Heath
Academic Success Program Director and Lecturer
Joan MacLeod Heminway
Rick Rose Distinguished Professor of Law
Michael J. Higdon
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and W. Allen Separk Distinguished Professor of Law
Becky Jacobs
Waller Lansden Distinguished Professor of Law
Lucy Jewel
Director of Legal Writing and Professor of Law
Kristina Kersey
Assistant Professor of Law
Rebecca Kite
Assistant Professor and Reference Librarian
Brian Krumm
Associate Professor of Law
Michelle Kwon
Interim Associate Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement and Professor of Law
Alex Long
Williford Gragg Distinguished Professor of Law
Sibyl Marshall
Associate Director for the Law Library and Associate Professor
William Davenport Mercer
Distinguished Lecturer
Nicholas Nugent
Assistant Professor of Law
Nathan Preuss
Associate Professor and Reference/Student Services Librarian
Gary Pulsinelli
Associate Professor of Law
Joy Radice
Director of Clinical Programs and Associate Professor of Law
Glenn Reynolds
Beauchamp Brogan Distinguished Professor of Law
Briana Rosenbaum
Associate Professor of Law
Paula Schaefer
Art Stolnitz Distinguished Professor of Law
Tomer S. Stein
Assistant Professor of Law and Wilkinson Research Professor
Maurice Stucke
Douglas A. Blaze Distinguished Professor of Law
Valorie Vojdik
Waller Lansden Distinguished Professor of Law
Rachelle Ketchum West
Legal Writing Lecturer
Carlos A. Yunsan
Legal Writing Lecturer