Gifts to the College of Law
Gifts made to the University of Tennessee College of Law make a tremendous difference in the lives of UT Law students. Thanks to your support, UT College of Law can continue its tradition of delivering excellence while educating the leaders of tomorrow.
In appreciation for these gifts, donors receive recognition through membership in one of several giving societies. These societies honor individuals who contribute a minimum of $2,500 annually or establish endowments or bequests that support the College of Law.

Tennessee Hall Society ($1 million +)
Gifts given to the College of Law in excess of $1 million.
Roy T. Campbell, Jr.
Jim Clayton
Carl E. Colloms
J. Reginald Hill
Joel A. Katz
George T. “Buck” and Malinda Lewis
Arthur and Charlotte McClellan
Richard D. Plumley
Richard L. Rose
W. Allen Separk
Jerry H. Summers

Tennessee Hall Society ($1 million +)
Gifts given to the College of Law in excess of $1 million.
Roy T. Campbell, Jr.
Jim Clayton
Carl E. Colloms
J. Reginald Hill
Joel A. Katz
George T. “Buck” and Malinda Lewis
Arthur and Charlotte McClellan
Richard D. Plumley
Richard L. Rose
W. Allen Separk
Jerry H. Summers

Harold C. Warner Society (Endowments)
Members of this society have created endowments to benefit the College of Law.
Aslan Foundation
E. H. “Buddy” and Lisa Avery
Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
Bass, Berry & Sims PLC
Bernard and Barbara Bernstein
Gladys Stamm Boester
Bonnie C. Bolejack
John and Stacey Brock
Clayton Family Foundation
Carl E. Colloms
Bobby Lee Cook
Betsey B. Creekmore
David D. Creekmore
Donna R. Davis
William W. Davis
Arlene L. Diesenhouse
Laura S. Durbin
Jason and Susan Epstein
Roy C. Flowers
Suzanne and Charles Forlidas
Frantz, McConnell & Seymour, LLP
Thomas and Susan Galligan
Marcos M. Garza
Sidney W. Gilreath
R. McDonald Gray, III
Lucy and Louis Gump
Morris and Anne Hadden
William and Claudia Haltom
Morris G. Herndon
Michael H. Hickey
J. Reginald Hill
T. Robert Hill
Hodges, Doughty & Carson, PLLC
Homer A. and Ida S. Jones Trust
J. F. Maddox Foundation
Joel A. Katz
Kennerly Montgomery & Finley, P.C.
Kingsport Bar Association
Kramer Rayson LLP
Christopher and Quinita LaPorte
Sam and Marlo LaPorte
Felix B. Laughlin
Harry W. Laughlin
Harry W. Laughlin, III
Thomas E. Lauria
Deborah F. Lauria
Lawyers’ Association for Women
Arthur and Carlton Long
Donald and Catherine Lusk
Manier & Herod PC
Robert S. Marquis
Blakeley D. Matthews
J. Payson Matthews, III
Arthur and Charlotte McClellan
Jane R. Morgan
James R. Omer
R. Wayne Peters
Pilot/Flying J
William B. Plowman
Thomas R. Prewitt, Jr.
Ann Jarvis Pruitt and Ronald E. Pruitt
Robert E. Pryor and Family
Ritchie, Dillard, & Davies, P.C.
Jon and Mintha Roach
Claude K. Robertson
John T. Milburn Rogers
J. Scott Rose
Richard L. Rose
W. Allen Separk
Teresa J. Sigmon
Ben G. Sissman
Patricia L. Snyder
Wanda and John Sobieski, Jr.
Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute, Inc.
Jacalyn Diesenhouse Stewart
Scott A. Stolnitz
Theresa H. Stone
Jerry H. Summers
Ann Taylor
The Devitt Family
Mark and Cathy Travis
Frankie E. Wade
Gary R. Wade
Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP
John B. Waters, Jr.
Tom and Kathryn Wilson
Melanie D. Wilson and L. M. Reeves
James F. Wilson
Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter, PLLC
Katie and Nathan Zipper

Harold C. Warner Society (Endowments)
Members of this society have created endowments to benefit the College of Law.
Aslan Foundation
E. H. “Buddy” and Lisa Avery
Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
Bass, Berry & Sims PLC
Bernard and Barbara Bernstein
Gladys Stamm Boester
Bonnie C. Bolejack
John and Stacey Brock
Clayton Family Foundation
Carl E. Colloms
Bobby Lee Cook
Betsey B. Creekmore
David D. Creekmore
Donna R. Davis
William W. Davis
Arlene L. Diesenhouse
Laura S. Durbin
Jason and Susan Epstein
Roy C. Flowers
Suzanne and Charles Forlidas
Frantz, McConnell & Seymour, LLP
Thomas and Susan Galligan
Marcos M. Garza
Sidney W. Gilreath
R. McDonald Gray, III
Lucy and Louis Gump
Morris and Anne Hadden
William and Claudia Haltom
Morris G. Herndon
Michael H. Hickey
J. Reginald Hill
T. Robert Hill
Hodges, Doughty & Carson, PLLC
Homer A. and Ida S. Jones Trust
J. F. Maddox Foundation
Joel A. Katz
Kennerly Montgomery & Finley, P.C.
Kingsport Bar Association
Kramer Rayson LLP
Christopher and Quinita LaPorte
Sam and Marlo LaPorte
Felix B. Laughlin
Harry W. Laughlin
Harry W. Laughlin, III
Thomas E. Lauria
Deborah F. Lauria
Lawyers’ Association for Women
Arthur and Carlton Long
Donald and Catherine Lusk
Manier & Herod PC
Robert S. Marquis
Blakeley D. Matthews
J. Payson Matthews, III
Arthur and Charlotte McClellan
Jane R. Morgan
James R. Omer
R. Wayne Peters
Pilot/Flying J
Thomas R. Prewitt, Jr.
Ann Jarvis Pruitt and Ronald E. Pruitt
Robert E. Pryor and Family
Ritchie, Dillard, & Davies, P.C.
Jon and Mintha Roach
Claude K. Robertson
John T. Milburn Rogers
J. Scott Rose
Richard L. Rose
W. Allen Separk
Teresa J. Sigmon
Ben G. Sissman
Patricia L. Snyder
Wanda and John Sobieski, Jr.
Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute, Inc.
Jacalyn Diesenhouse Stewart
Scott A. Stolnitz
Theresa H. Stone
Jerry H. Summers
Ann Taylor
The Devitt Family
Mark and Cathy Travis
Frankie E. Wade
Gary R. Wade
Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP
John B. Waters, Jr.
Tom and Kathryn Wilson
Melanie D. Wilson and L. M. Reeves
James F. Wilson
Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter, PLLC
Katie and Nathan Zipper

Thomas J. Freeman Society (Estate Plans)
Members of this society have designated estate plans to benefit the College of Law.
Mary Elizabeth Abernathy
E. H. “Buddy” and Lisa Avery
John A. A. Bellamy
Douglas and Christine Blaze
Thomas and Nancy Campbell
Roy T. Campbell, Jr.
Carl E. Colloms
Gail Gray Cummingham
Thomas and Susan Dillard
James and Diane Drinnon
Laura S. Durbin
Karen C. Ellis
T. Jim and Betty Emison
Neal Fischer
Judith A. Flanagan
Roger and Karen Gilbert
Robert L. Gorham
Dickson and Judy Grissom
David and Ruth Jones
Gregory and Katherine Hamilton
Woodrow and Elizabeth Henderson
Michael H. Hickey
J. Reginald Hill
John C. Hine
Douglas and Melissa Hutson
Joel A. Katz
J. Thomas Kilpatrick
John R. LaBar
Christopher and Quinita LaPorte
Sam and Marlo LaPorte
George T. “Buck” and Malinda Lewis
Whitney Johns Martin
Arthur and Charlotte McClelland
Robert and Jamie Montgomery
David and Ruth Jones
Javiere S. Norris
Steven and Evelyn Oberman
Jimmy and Jill-Anne Owen
W. Allen Separk
Stephanie L. Slater
Jerry and Betty Smith
Alan and Beverly Spear
Jerry H. Summers
Charles W. Swanson and Pamela L. Reeves
Steven and Carolyn Terry
Walter and Patricia Trent
Frankie E. Wade
Josephine H. Webb
Edward G. White, II

Thomas J. Freeman Society (Estate Plans)
Members of this society have designated estate plans to benefit the College of Law.
Mary Elizabeth Abernathy
E. H. “Buddy” and Lisa Avery
John A. A. Bellamy
Douglas and Christine Blaze
Thomas and Nancy Campbell
Roy T. Campbell, Jr.
Carl E. Colloms
Gail Gray Cummingham
Thomas and Susan Dillard
James and Diane Drinnon
Laura S. Durbin
Karen C. Ellis
T. Jim and Betty Emison
Neal Fischer
Judith A. Flanagan
Roger and Karen Gilbert
Robert L. Gorham
Dickson and Judy Grissom
David and Ruth Jones
Gregory and Katherine Hamilton
Woodrow and Elizabeth Henderson
Michael H. Hickey
J. Reginald Hill
John C. Hine
Douglas and Melissa Hutson
Joel A. Katz
J. Thomas Kilpatrick
John R. LaBar
Christopher and Quinita LaPorte
Sam and Marlo LaPorte
George T. “Buck” and Malinda Lewis
Whitney Johns Martin
Arthur and Charlotte McClelland
Robert and Jamie Montgomery
David and Ruth Jones
Javiere S. Norris
Steven and Evelyn Oberman
Jimmy and Jill-Anne Owen
W. Allen Separk
Stephanie L. Slater
Jerry and Betty Smith
Alan and Beverly Spear
Jerry H. Summers
Charles W. Swanson and Pamela L. Reeves
Steven and Carolyn Terry
Walter and Patricia Trent
Frankie E. Wade
Josephine H. Webb
Edward G. White, II

1890 Society
Members of this society have made gifts to the College of Law during the previous calendar year in excess of $2,500.
Eric and Marcee Addington
Howard and Charlotte Dunbar
Elizabeth Ford and Michael Driskill
Keith and Tracy Frazier
Mary Beth Hagan
Michael K. Han
Abraham J. Kalfus
Lowry and Jane Kline
Edward D. Lanquist
Todd and Betty Lepage
Melvin J. Malone
Richard and Donna Plumley
Charles E. Reynolds
Phillip and Christy Robinson
Richard L. Rose
Frankie E. Wade

1890 Society
Members of this society have made gifts to the College of Law during the previous calendar year in excess of $2,500.
Eric and Marcee Addington
Howard and Charlotte Dunbar
Elizabeth Ford and Michael Driskill
Keith and Tracy Frazier
Mary Beth Hagan
Michael K. Han
Abraham J. Kalfus
Lowry and Jane Kline
Edward D. Lanquist
Todd and Betty Lepage
Melvin J. Malone
Richard and Donna Plumley
Charles E. Reynolds
Phillip and Christy Robinson
Richard L. Rose
Frankie E. Wade

Maude Riseden Hughett and RBJ Campbelle Jr. Society
Members of this society have given a gift to the College of Law during the previous calendar year in excess of $1,000.
LaJuana and Kenneth Atkins
Terry C. Bird
Robert and Ann Bly
Rick and Sonia Brown
John and Karyn Bryant
Paul and Emily Campbell
Robert S. Devane
Thomas and Dorothy Dyer
Eugene Felton
John and Caroline Floyd
Herschel and Judy Franks
Gerald W. Fudge
Mary Taylor Gallagher
Scott J. Garber
J. Randall and Jan Greaves
John and Stefanie Griffin
Christopher and Colleen Haley
Frank Harris and Abby Avery
Julia and William Hoppe
Joseph and Ann Huie
Richard and Ashley Kebrdle
David and Cathy King
Michelle Monique Kwon
Lorraine Lester
John Marston
Jason B. Miller
Hazen Moore
Patricia Head Moskal
Charles C. Murphy, Jr.
Gadson W. Perry
Thomas and Kathleen Plank
Sara and John Quinn
Chloe Reid and Ronald Boutelle
Sherrie N. Rutherford
Jimmy and Molly Seal
James and Suzanne Simms
William Smith and Melanie Osburn
David and Cynthia Smythe
Michael and Amanda Stanuszek
James and Jane Stranch
John and Laura Tarpley
Andrew and Claudia Tillman
Kris and Patrick Tobin
Rebecca and James Tolene
James W. Wallace
Terry L. Weatherford
John and Hope Williamson

Maude Riseden Hughett and RBJ Campbelle Jr. Society
Members of this society have given a gift to the College of Law during the previous calendar year in excess of $1,000.
LaJuana and Kenneth Atkins
Terry C. Bird
Robert and Ann Bly
Rick and Sonia Brown
John and Karyn Bryant
Paul and Emily Campbell
Robert S. Devane
Thomas and Dorothy Dyer
Eugene Felton
John and Caroline Floyd
Herschel and Judy Franks
Gerald W. Fudge
Mary Taylor Gallagher
Scott J. Garber
J. Randall and Jan Greaves
John and Stefanie Griffin
Christopher and Colleen Haley
Frank Harris and Abby Avery
Julia and William Hoppe
Joseph and Ann Huie
Richard and Ashley Kebrdle
David and Cathy King
Michelle Monique Kwon
Lorraine Lester
John Marston
Jason B. Miller
Hazen Moore
Patricia Head Moskal
Charles C. Murphy, Jr.
Gadson W. Perry
Thomas and Kathleen Plank
Sara and John Quinn
Chloe Reid and Ronald Boutelle
Sherrie N. Rutherford
Jimmy and Molly Seal
James and Suzanne Simms
William Smith and Melanie Osburn
David and Cynthia Smythe
Michael and Amanda Stanuszek
James and Jane Stranch
John and Laura Tarpley
Andrew and Claudia Tillman
Kris and Patrick Tobin
Rebecca and James Tolene
James W. Wallace
Terry L. Weatherford
John and Hope Williamson
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Alumni and Development
1505 W. Cumberland Ave.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996
Phone: 865-974-6691
Office: Suite 248
Contact Us
Alumni and Development
1505 W. Cumberland Ave.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996
Phone: 865-974-6691
Office: Suite 248