Legal Writing

Learn how to effectively write a variety of legal documents that you will use throughout your career
Legal Writing

Laying the foundation for tomorrow’s legal writers

Lawyers are professional writers. Whether it be a letter, a motion, a brief, a complaint, a contract, or any of the other multiple documents attorneys are frequently asked to prepare, lawyers spend much of their professional career writing. A lawyer who cannot write effectively is greatly handicapped in their ability to represent clients.

UT Law takes seriously our role in training students to become effective legal writers. The Legal Writing Program begins in the first year, where students complete six hours of credit focused exclusively on legal writing. Courses are offered in small sections of typically fifteen to seventeen students to enable faculty to offer more one-on-one training.

Beyond the first year, we offer a number of both required and elective course components aimed at providing students with continual opportunities for developing and improving their legal writing skills.

Contact Us

Lucy Jewel
Director of Legal Writing

Phone: 865-974-8330
 Room 349

Contact Us

Lucy Jewel
Director of Legal Writing

Phone: 865-974-8330
 Room 349