Loan Repayment Assistance Program

Loan Repayment Assistance Program

The Baker Donelson Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) at UT Law provides financial support to UT Law graduates who obtain employment in the field of public interest law and who need assistance in repaying loans for legal education.


A person is eligible to be considered for loan repayment assistance if the person:

  1. is a UT Law graduate or a current UT Law student;
  2. files an application with the LRAP Committee;
  3. agrees to remain continuously employed in the field of public interest law for one year after receiving financial support from the program;
  4. will be responsible for using LRAP financial support to repay qualified debt as determined by the LRAP Committee.

The principal criteria for an award are professional promise, financial need, and the extent to which an applicant’s proposed employment will further the goals of the program. Strong preference will be given to applicants whose employment involves legal representation to the poor and the historically under-represented or otherwise address the needs of those clients.

Qualified debt is debt incurred to pay the expenses of legal education and owed to an institutional or governmental lender. Private debt owed to a family member, friend, or other entity outside the framework of a regular lending program is not qualified debt. The amount of financial support will be determined by the LRAP Committee and will not exceed $10,000 per recipient.


In deciding whether to award financial support, the LRAP Committee* may consider any relevant factor, including, but not limited to:

  1. the amount of the applicant’s qualified debt;
  2. the amount of the applicant’s other debt;
  3. the amount of debt owed within the applicant’s household;
  4. the amount of the applicant’s income and other non-cash benefits received;
  5. the amount of income received within the applicant’s household;
  6. the applicant’s assets;
  7. household assets;
  8. household dependents;
  9. the nature of the applicant’s employment;
  10. the connection between the applicant’s long-term goals and the  field of public interest law;
  11. the applicant’s prior commitment to public service;
  12. the applicant’s academic performance;
  13. the applicant’s potential for future compensation, including the likelihood that the applicant will move quickly to much higher paying employment;
  14. the location of the applicant’s job in the field of public interest law and the location(s) affected by that job;
  15. the applicant’s willingness to participate in the education and mentoring of Law School students.

*The LRAP Committee is comprised of two UT Law faculty and one Baker Donelson shareholder.

An applicant is eligible to receive LRAP financial support under this program for a maximum of three years.

The annual application deadline is September 30, 2024.

Contact Us

Admissions & Financial Aid
1505 W. Cumberland Ave.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996

Phone: 865-974-4131
 Suite 161

Contact Us

Admissions & Financial Aid
1505 W. Cumberland Ave.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996

Phone: 865-974-4131
 Suite 161