Ninth annual first-year Advocacy Idol competition to take place on March 29

It’s that time again! The Ninth Annual 1L Advocacy Idol competition will be held on Tuesday, March 29, beginning at 5:00 p.m. in Room 132. The 1L Advocacy Idol competition introduces first-year students to the Concentration in Advocacy and Dispute Resolution, while allowing students to improve oral advocacy skills and network with area judges.  This year, nine state and federal judges will judge the competition before having dinner with the participants and offering feedback on the presentations.  The event will conclude by 8:00 p.m.

The competition pairs a limited number of first-year law student advocates with second- and third-year student coaches.  The advocates, who are neither required nor allowed to prepare in advance, consult with their coaches and then deliver a very brief opening statements to a panel of judges. After preliminary rounds, finalists are chosen and from these finalists, the panel of judges determine which first-year student will be named this Year’s 1L Advocacy Idol.

Students with questions about the competition may contact Will Lay at